Kami-nidan (upper two rows) verbs

There are many verbs in classical Japanese that conjugate like ochiru, "to fall".
mizenkei ochi- ochizu
renyoukei ochi- ochitari
shuushikei otsu- otsu
rentaikei otsuru- otsuru mono
izenkei otsure- otsuredomo
meireikei ochiyo ochiyo!
So how can we recognize these verbs? Usually, if the modern derivative of a classical Japanese verb has a stem ending in i then it belongs to this conjugation pattern. There are, however, some exceptions, notably the ten verbs that belong to the kami ichidan (upper one row) class: miru : to see; kiru : to arrive; niru : to resemble; iru : to shoot; mochiwiru : to use; hiru : to get dry; iru : to cast (metal); wiru or hikiwiru : to lead, to command (troops); and wiru : to exist.

The kami ichidan pattern is given below, taking miru for example:

mizenkei mi- mizu
renyoukei mi- mitari
shuushikei miru- miru
rentaikei miru- miru mono
izenkei mire- miredomo
meireikei miyo miyo!
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