Suru and kuru

suru (to do) and kuru (to come) are irregular verbs in modern Japanese as well as in the old language. In classical Japanese, the verb su is freely added to nouns to form compound verbs, eg. tabi (travel) + su = tabisu (to travel) - just like ryokou suru is formed in modern Japanese.
The conjugation of su:
mizenkei se- tabisezu
renyoukei shi- tabishitari
shuushikei su tabisu
rentaikei suru- tabisuru mono
izenkei sure- tabisuredomo
meireikei seyo tabiseyo!
The verb ku (to come) also conjugates in a unique way:
mizenkei ko- kozu
renyoukei ki- kitari
shuushikei ku ku
rentaikei kuru- kuru mono
izenkei kure- kuredomo
meireikei ko ko!
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